Hi, I’m Valentina Tansley and I am a highly creative professional arts manager and executive producer with over 20 years experience in arts and cultural management roles. I hold a Master of Arts degree in Cultural Management and have tertiary qualifications in music and visual arts.

I have worked with a wide range of organisations including Arts Centre Melbourne, Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria, Melbourne Fashion Festival, Renegade Films, Whitehorse City Council, Department of Premier and Cabinet, Regional Arts Victoria, Bundoora Homestead Art Centre, Northcote Town Hall and Nottingham Arts Theatre in the UK.

My extensive experience includes managing festivals, theatre venues, arts centres, commercial music events and cultural projects.

Through my advocacy for the arts I have been active on several boards and committees, most recently as Chair of the Bundoora Homestead Arts Centre and arts advisory panels for the City of Melbourne and City of Darebin.

You can connect with me via LinkedIn